Never Have I Ever Card Game

Never Have I Ever Card Game 8,1/10 3103 votes

Never Have I Ever Questions Dirty

The official online store for the Never Have I Ever card game. Shop now to see our original game plus all of our expansion packs and special editions! The Never have I ever cards are all two-sided and made of a high-quality material allowing you to use them over and over again. Each pack contains a whopping 150 cards with our best questions, making sure you and your friends/family can have.

Are you getting bored at home? Don’t worry, we have got an awesome game for you which can be played with your friends. And moreover, you can know more about them by playing such games & the game name is Never Have I Ever Questions. In this post, we will show you some amazing Never Have I Ever Questions Dirty!

The official online store for the Never Have I Ever card game. Shop now to see our original game plus all of our expansion packs and special editions! The game of “Never have I ever” is a classic drinking game that everyone has spent many entertaining hours. The problem arises when we already know too much, or when we have trouble coming up with original questions. This game is entertaining to the core. The game is played in a circle starting with a statement someone I’ve never (e.g.

Never have I ever game is the best way to know the secrets of your best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, partner or anyone else without much efforts. It is a game full of dirty and funny questions which promise to bring people even much closer than they thought they are.

Behind every Never Have I Ever Dirty Question there is a story so you may be able to know your partner’s story and their secrets too.

This game can also play those of younger age, but it is understood, without drinks. You will receive the points instead of sips of a drink. Here we come up with some Never Have I Ever Questions Dirty to make you groove. Use these dirty never have I ever questions to find out who is the most challenging person in your group!

Dirty Never Have I Ever Questions

Below are some of the best Never Have I Ever Questions Dirty and few of them are naughty too. Check them out right now and play around with your friends. You can also convert this into truth and dare game by asking answers to your friends.

Along with this, you can also take drinks to add some twists to the game. That would be just like icing on the cake! Don’t wait for more, check the dirty never have I ever questions right now!

Never have I ever adjusted my buttons based on who’s in the room.

Never have I ever watched another couple get it on.

Never have I ever stayed friends with an ex.

Never have I ever made any naughty videos.

Never have I ever screwed around in an elevator.

Never have I ever played hard to get.

Never have I ever had a full-body massage.

Never have I ever been to an adult store.

Never have I ever gently whispered in someone’s ear.

Never have I ever been fooling around in the car and accidentally hon*ed the horn.

Never have I ever been dumped.

Never have I ever slipped someone my phone number.

Never have I ever taken open photos of myself/someone else.

Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher.

Never have I ever kissed a celebrity.

Never have I ever had a dream about someone I liked.

Never have I ever peeked at someone in the shower.

Never have I ever passed second base.

Never have I ever passed out from suffocation.

Never have I ever dated someone just to make someone else jealous.

Never have I ever been Ac*used of Being With Someone Other Than my Partner.

Never have I ever done it in a public place.

Never have I ever Not Washed A Piece of Clothing Because of Someone Else Scent.

Never Have I Ever Card Game Family Edition

Never have I ever made out sitting on a chair.

Never have I ever watched a movie because I knew it had ——.

Dirty Never Have I Ever Questions List!

Never have I ever farted while making love or ki**ing a girl/boy.

Never have I ever played music while getting closer to my partner.

Never have I ever invited a male friend home while I am all alone in the house.

Never have I ever had breakfast in bed.

Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.

Never have I ever lied on my resume.

Never have I ever wake up next to a complete stranger!

Never have I ever dated more than one person at once.

Never have I ever given a lift to a stranger while driving alone on a highway.

Never have I ever looked at naughty pictures.

Never have I ever been to a strip club.

Recommended:Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids to Ask

Never have I ever had a date with someone I met on an app.

Never have I ever gone out of my way to winning my partner’s attention.

Never have I ever gone to a spa.

Never have I ever been inside Victoria Secret.

Never have I ever tried a cheesy pick-up line on someone.

Never have I ever been on a dating website.

Never have I ever had a bedroom injury while doing something naughty.

Never have I ever sent someone a cool selfie.

Never have I ever seen odd movies or videos in my school days. (ROFL)

Never have I ever gone commando.

Never have I ever made a move on my colleagues to get my office work done.

Never have I ever done with my siblings or cousins or best friend.

Never have I ever done it more than 2 times in a day.

Never have I ever skipped a movie to do something in the parking lot instead.

Never have I ever tried to do a keg stand.

Never have I ever been blackout drunk.

Never have I ever put on lipstick on the collar of my partner’s shirt.

Never have I ever been shy in the bedroom.

Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s sibling.

Never have I ever flirted with someone more than 10 years older than me.

Never have I ever lurked on an ex online.

Never have I ever given a lap dance.

Never have I ever been on a blind date.

Never have I ever been to a drive-in movie. 🙁

Never have I ever seen a Playgirl.

Never have I ever used Tinder to meet a date.

All Card Games

So these are some of the naughty and dirty never have I ever questions for adults you can get on the web world! We will be updating more questions. I know that I have said 100+ questions but they are just 70 odd. But don’t worry, it will be updated soon in the coming days!

Adult Never Have I Ever Questions Dirty game is such that it forces people to open up and confess things that they might have done but will always be embarrassed about. However, some people do not enjoy the openness of the game and tend to either avoid it or get really panicky.

Final Words!

A party can be fun only when no one takes the Never Have I Ever Questions Dirty personally and left out. These questions can help you to make the best of Dirty Never Have I Ever questions when you play along with dirty minds. Be with us for more exciting Never Have I Ever Questions right here!

Andrew: Sigh. Ok, let’s do this.

Never Have I Ever Card Game Questions

So this review isn’t going to read like most of Gameosity’s reviews.

See, when we do reviews, we make it a point to play the subject game a bunch of times, often with lots of different groups. Our review style, that whole ‘conversational’ thing we do, exists because we all have our differing opinions on games, and maybe I’m in love with something, but Rob hates it, and Jess is kickass at it but doesn’t really enjoy it, but Diana thinks the art is neat, and so on. We don’t like giving just one perspective on things, though when we agree, it makes reviews really easy. And if a game is a flop for us, we try to play it around to try to figure out why we’re not connecting to it.

This time, the reasons were clear from the beginning.

The basics. Never Have I Ever: The Game Of Poor Life Decisions is based on a classic drinking/party/college game that far predates the subject of this review (and for the rest of the review, I will use NHIE to refer to the party game, as opposed to the card game). There are a million variants on it, but the structure goes like this – Someone starts a sentence with the phrase ‘Never have I ever…’ and then details some embarrassing scenario. Then, anyone who DID do that thing either takes a drink or puts down a finger or whatever, and if you are the last person who didn’t get embarrassed out of the game/pass out on the floor, you win. It’s an activity based on shameful admissions and group laughter, about picking embarrassing things of which you know your friends are guilty, and, mostly, it’s about getting/being drunk.

This is a card game adaptation by Ideas Never Implemented, for 4-12 players. I’ll say up front that we went in with high hopes – this game is very highly rated, claiming a #1 Best Seller seal on Amazon. But we found that this classic party game does not translate well into ‘card game’ form.

That’s the case for two reasons, I think.

The first is that there isn’t much ‘game’ to begin with. The classic party game is really built around saying/admitting to embarrassing things and laughing/being laughed at about them. By transforming the drinking game into a game with points and rules, it clutters the experience. All you really need to play NHIE is a beer and a sordid past and a willingness to have people laugh at you.

The other reason it doesn’t translate well is that this game doesn’t really know what it wants to be. Never Have I Ever: The Game Of Poor Life Decisions is trying to make frat-party-style shaming into a card game for the whole (over 18) family! To that end, it’s tone is wildly inconsistent, whiplashing from incredibly harmless admissions to potentially relationship-ending confessions.

They say in the rules and in their advertising that the only rule in Never Have I Ever which matters is ‘No Judgment’. And yet, without judgment, this game simply wouldn’t exist.

When I recently broke out a game at a party, there was a mixed reaction to the description – some of us thought it sounded fun, but some folks found the basic idea of the game off-putting. Still, we had been sent this copy for review, so I wanted to give it a fair shake. So, at the laughing insistence of some of my friends, the objections were stowed and I started explaining the rules to everyone.

Play pitch card game

Then, in randomly pulling cards out during my explanation, these two hit the table, one right after the other:

And the crowd got uncomfortable.

Because everyone there, regardless of age, orientation, or lifestyle, immediately recognized how messed up those are. The first one is just one of the many examples of the vitriolic slut-shaming that this game frequently passes off for ‘humor’, aside from, perhaps, the juxtaposition of the politely neutral ‘partner’ with the wildly judgmental ‘skank’. It’s unfunny at best and misogynistic at worst and, incidentally, it is also less effective than using a single condom, so, you know, it’s also really bad health advice.

But that second one? That’s a prosecutable crime. Like, you should be in jail for that. It’s not a joke. It’s not funny. And even if no one in your group has roofied someone (and fuck them to hell if they have), what about someone in your group who has been the victim of a crime like that? How are they going to feel when people start making jokes about date rape?

I’m not the most politically correct guy around, believe me, and I have had plenty of awkward moments where I said something insensitive without realizing it. I claim no sainthood, and I’m still trying to absorb the concept of ‘trigger warnings’ and other acts of social sensitivity.

But this? This isn’t a game. It’s an invitation for awful feelings in a bright orange box.

Plenty of the cards in the game are harmless and many are going to evoke exactly the kind of hilarious ‘confessions’ (and cackles of laughter) around which the game should be built.

Like so:

See? Some of those are benign (Neflix marathons are basically the Olympics of our generation), and some of them are genuinely chuckle-worthy – I mean, who’s accidentally hugged a stranger? You did? When? How? I will laugh at you now! The best follow-up question, of course, is how quickly did you let go? And the one about imagining another player naked is exactly the kind of naughty, playful admission that make a game of NHIE really fun.

But some of these cards? Some of these cards are crimes. And not in the ‘yeah,-smoking-weed-is-a-crime-but-it’s-hilarious-to-say/do-it-herp-derp-I’m-17’ sort of way, but in the ‘you-should-be-in-jail,-you-subhuman-filth’ sort of way:

There is just nothing funny about some of this stuff. And please don’t think I cherry-picked my examples; I couldn’t go fifteen cards without encountering something that, were it true, would make the person in question a genuinely horrible human being.

They say ‘No Judgment’, but some of these things are really, really judgment-worthy. Like, ‘jury of your peers’ kinda judgment.

But the game is also maddeningly inconsistent! Virtually every card which wasn’t an atrocious thing to admit to was so harmless as to completely lack humor potential. According to the game, you should be ashamed of yourself for BEING ON A FIRST NAME BASIS WITH A DELIVERY PERSON. I’m not kidding, that’s a card, and if you ‘admit’ to it, you get a point towards having made enough bad decisions to win. Just…what?

The framing of these statements, as ‘poor life decisions’, makes some things which are harmless and shouldn’t be a source of embarrassment into things the group should laugh at you for. It makes no sense. But remember, ‘No Judgment!’, right? Ugh.

Never Have I Ever: The Game Of Poor Life Decisions is trying really hard. It’s trying to be edgy and cheeky and just naughty. It does this with all the subtlety and efficacy of, well, a teenager trying to be edgy and cheeky. And, of course, like anyone trying to be ‘adult’, it’s childish at best.

Listen. I own every Cards Against Humanity expansion there is. That is a game with cards referring to rape and murder and incest and worse. And it is hilarious. Because CAH lets us be bombastic and over-the-top and awful in a shock-humor driven way. It’s vitriolic and violent and gross and (and this is the part which matters) it’s theoretical. It’s abstract, extrapolated to the absolute absurd. No matter what the cards say, I don’t have a windmill full of corpses, or whatever. It’s not about us.

The laughs in Cards Against Humanity aren’t designed to come at anyone’s personal expense. Never Have I Ever is about judging your friends and saying shitty things about yourself. That’s what makes it feel so toxic.

There are cards which could easily be interpreted as homophobic or misogynistic and the game is absolutely awash in slut-shaming (may the powers help you if you’ve had more than a handful of sexual partners; you’ll be rolling in points in no time). So even if you don’t think anything’s at all wrong with ‘getting hit on by a member of your own gender’ or having (and I quote) ‘Taken It Up The Ass’, those things are still treated as Poor Life Decisions.

Of course, I could weed through the deck (herp derp weed is hilarious), picking out the cards that bothered us, but seriously, it would be a big chunk of the 485 cards in the game (which is a lot of cards, admittedly), and I would be left with a pile of limp, shockingly unfunny cards, and that’s almost worse.

Someone in my group suggested that it’s actually a tool from the FBI for rooting out drug dealers and rapists, and to that end, maybe the folks at Ideas Never Implemented are doing good work for society. But from where I am sitting, they are just cashing in on people’s willingness to be awful to each other with this socially tone-deaf game.

I will say this, though. Maybe it’s just us. As I mentioned before, Never Have I Ever has over 300 5-star reviews on Amazon (83% of all reviews). It is a #1 best seller in travel games. Lots of people must like it (well, 300, at least).

We contacted Ideas Never Implemented for a review copy (which they sent us without hesitation) based on that popularity. We love party games and we love irreverent humor; we definitely don’t embarrass easily. I knew the classic game it was based on and I was really looking forward to adding it to our party game rotation. And this was still a total miss for us.

All that having been said, our attitude and review are probably in the minority. There are clearly a lot of people who think Never Have I Ever: The Game Of Poor Life Decisions is harmless, hilarious, and enjoyable.

I just don’t know any.